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Case Study

Bringing Internet access to the people and places where it wouldn’t otherwise exist

Philadelphia FIGHT
Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia FIGHT, like many nonprofits, sees the provision of consumer education as a key component of the social services they deliver in the community. So what happens when nearly half of the individuals you serve do not have access to the Internet, one of the most powerful information gathering, consumer education tools available?

You bring the Internet to them!

That is what Philadelphia FIGHT did as a part of its Critical Path Project. Since 1987, Critical Path Project has harnessed the power of the Internet to get the latest information to the wider community. Having access to the Internet and the Critical Path AIDS Project website means easy access to the full range of potentially life-extending or life-saving HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and referral information. Research showed that more than 40% of Philadelphia residents did not have Internet access. To complement their 27 public computer centers providing digital literacy training and information, Philadelphia FIGHT knew that a large percentage of people still did not have access to education and the reliable health information and resources they provide. Low-cost mobile Internet from Mobile Citizen helped FIGHT’s Critical Path Project roll out two mobile computer labs bringing services to these underserved communities.

“Information is a powerful tool, but only when you have access to it. Because of Mobile Citizen, we now bring Internet access to the people and places where it wouldn’t otherwise exist.”

— Deaglan Daugherty, Philadelphia FIGHT Digital Inclusion Supervisor

Philadelphia FIGHT shares more of their story on our blog.