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Sprint WiMax Shutdown Suspended: Mobile Citizen Wins Preliminary Injunction

This article was published on:
November 5, 2015

Great news, we have succeeded in stopping the shutdown!

Today, a Massachusetts state court granted a preliminary injunction stopping Sprint from its plan to shut off broadband access for more than 300,000 mostly low-income Americans this Friday.

“The injunction compels Sprint to honor its professed commitment to closing the digital divide,” said John Schwartz, the founder and president of Mobile Citizen. “It’s unfortunate it took a court order to stop Sprint from shutting off 300,000 children, families, teachers and community members from access to the American dream. But we look forward to moving ahead positively with Sprint and ensuring that everyone in our community can keep the service they rely on to connect to the larger world around them.”

We firmly believe America will be stronger when those in need have access to the technology that empowers them to communicate, learn and innovate. It is why we do what we do. So as we celebrate today’s victory, we are mindful of the work that has yet to be done on closing the digital divide in our country. This preliminary junction allows us to continue to our mission to advance social equity through access.

Read more about the injunction.