Even with the force of the court on our side, Sprint is dragging its feet on protecting our customers’ Internet access. In fact, it is fighting us every chance it can, filing appeal after appeal. Our injunction is over February 5, and we know the only way we’ll be able to ensure our community of 420 schools, 62 libraries and 1820 nonprofits is safe is if we hold Sprint’s feet to the fire and push them to live up to all of their lofty rhetoric about how connectivity is a human right.
We’re fighting Sprint in court, but we need your help to fight them on the streets and in the court of public opinion. Our win will mean preserving 300,000 vulnerable people’s lifeline to the world, but it will also send a powerful signal to big telecomm that they can’t get away with these shenanigans. Victory is in sight, but we need you to be a part of this crucial win. Please share the images below and link: http://bit.ly/keepaccess