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Tomorrow: Join the Fight to #StopSprint in Philadelphia

This article was published on:
November 16, 2015

First, the good news: a court granted a preliminary injunction stopping Sprint from disconnecting Internet to 429 schools, 61 libraries and 1,820 nonprofits across the country. The disappointing news: Sprint appealed the court’s decision instead of working to get the community of children, parents, seniors and disabled people transitioned off the WiMax network and on to LTE.

More than 5,000 people from across the country have signed a petition urging Sprint to practice what it preaches and keep this community online. Thousands have shared their stories about how losing Internet will harm their ability to live and learn. Those stories will be read in front of the Sprint store on Tuesday in Philadelphia, where 10,000 vulnerable residents are on the brink of losing their Internet access. Please join us!

WHAT: Action at Sprint store, making sure the stories and comments we’ve received online are heard.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 17, 12 p.m.
WHERE: Outside of Sprint Store, 1235 Chestnut St., Philadelphia

Together, our voices will be heard. Let’s make sure Sprint does the right thing.
